A common problem in today’s high density living and commercial properties is storage.

With more and more people downsizing into apartment style living the need for storage has never been greater. Sporting equipment, bikes, weekend camping gear and even the everyday garage items like the car cleaning kit, where do you store it?
Ask any building manager, committee member or body corporate how often these items create problems in car spaces, on common property or with a compliance. There is a solution: The Box Thing.
An Australian-made and owned product, The Box Thing has been designing and manufacturing storage solutions for multi residential buildings for more than twenty years. It is in this time our team have gained an understanding of the issues surrounding storage in multi residential and commercial properties.
Using a modular aluminium extrusion system, the team at The Box Thing have a solution for most applications. The extrusion system is made up of several interlocking components that can be configured to a range of shapes and sizes. Once configured, our units provide a safe and secure storage compartment.
The challenges management and committee face are:
- Not every space is the same
- Not all items to be stored are the same
- Services and other parts of the building need to be accessible or have acceptable clearances
- Common Property is often seen as storage potential
- Approval process and Standards for buildings are not current
It is because every building is different and unique that we face challenges around what areas can be used for storage.
Over the years we have found that the most effective way to create additional space is to use a car space. In particular, over bonnet storage. This provides for additional storage and does not take away from a vehicle’s ability to park. This type of unit provides a solution for Lot owners and or their tenants and does not require any installations on common property.
There are other cabinet and storage configurations that can be created however they do begin to take away from other spaces.
The Items that can be stored in a unit will be largely dependent on the size of a storage unit. This is determined by the space or area a unit is to be located in. A square peg does not go in a round hole. A buildings services and or fire safety equipment also need to be considered. This is where The Box Thing Team can provide advice and guidance on individual solutions.
For many years The Box Thing Team have provided a service that allows building management, bodies corporate and owners to all be on the same page.
- We come to site and assess individual spaces, or entire buildings for a lot owner and or executive committee.
- We provide a quotation and solution to meet the clients brief while being compliant to the executive committee and building requirements.
- The quotation we provide the client has draft papers that can be utilised to submit formal applications to building management and or an executive committee to ensure an approval for any installation is obtained. We advise that all customers seek an approval prior to any onsite works.
- Our team are well trained and can complete work with very little impact to a building or its occupants.
Coupled with the fact that the product creates a consistent and clean approach to building storage, The Box Thing is backed by a ten-year warranty, offering further reassurance that this is a long-term solution.
As a building manager or body corporate trying to tackle an untidy basement carpark or problematic items like bicycles being stored in your building’s basement, we recommend you call the team at The Box Thing.