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Why having the right real estate agent is crucial to maximising the sale of your property

Selling your home is a significant financial and emotional commitment, so it’s essential to have professional guidance and advice to help you navigate the process. With an overwhelming number of decisions to make – from knowing what price to value your property at, to working through the sales process – finding the right real estate agent for your specific needs can feel daunting. LocalAgentFinder, the leading platform for connecting property owners with qualified agents, aims to empower property owners, equipping them with the knowledge and criteria needed to identify the perfect agent, and the vital steps to take to ensure a seamless home-selling experience.

1. Understand your needs

Before appointing the right real estate agent, you have to understand what ‘right’ means to you. It’s not just about expertise in the market, but also about finding someone who genuinely understands the unique concerns and challenges you face when selling your property. Understanding your specific requirements will guide you toward agents best suited to your personal situation and ensure that they can adeptly manage you through the process. For instance, if you’re selling a heritage-listed property, you’d benefit from an agent with experience in that niche. Similarly, if your property is near a top-ranking school in Melbourne, Sydney, or Brisbane, an agent familiar with the local educational landscape can significantly enhance its appeal to potential buyers

Creating a criteria list that meets the needs of your property, what you want in an agent, including their expertise and market knowledge, can help streamline your decision-making process. Armed with a better understanding of what you are looking for in an agent, you can utilise platforms such as LocalAgentFinder to compare a range of data and insights on agents’ performance to find the right agent – without the need to interview each agent one at a time in person.

2. Prioritise experience and expertise

Experience and location-specific expertise are paramount when choosing a real estate agent. An agent with years of experience brings not just market savvy and strong negotiating skills, but also a deep understanding of local trends, neighbourhood nuances, and property values that you simply can’t glean from a textbook or an online search. In today’s ever-changing market, it’s vital to have an agent who can navigate the current market trends and shifts, offering guidance on the best-selling strategy for your property.

An agent who not only has proven performance in the industry but also has specialised experience in your specific type of transaction and in your geographic location, ensures they can provide insights tailored to your needs, making your real estate journey less stressful, and ultimately, more successful.

Additionally, don’t forget to inquire about the agent’s marketing strategy for your property. Understand how they plan to advertise and promote your property, what media channels they will use, and any innovative methods they may employ to attract prospective buyers.

3. Check referrals, reviews and ask the right questions

Personal recommendations and online reviews can give you a well-rounded view of an agent’s capabilities. Remember, the most valuable feedback comes from those who have similar property requirements as yours. After compiling a short list of potential agents, make an appointment to speak with your top three choices. This will provide you the opportunity to compare and see if you prefer one over another. Also, don’t forget to ask the right questions when speaking to these agents. Key questions could include who will conduct your viewings, fee structures, and how properties like yours have performed in the market. This comprehensive approach empowers you to make an informed decision.

4. Gauge communication skills

In the fast-paced world of real estate, timely and clear communication is often the deciding factor between capitalising on an opportunity and letting it slip through your fingers. Prior to formalising any agreement with an agent, evaluate their communication skills by testing their response time and the clarity of their correspondence. Make sure you feel comfortable with how they relate to you, answer your questions, and whether they meet or exceed your expectations, as effective communication will be key to a successful partnership and transaction. It’s worth noting that when an agent consistently reaches out to you, it often reflects their genuine commitment and desire to work with you. Imagine that same dedicated energy being directed towards potential buyers of your property. An agent who is actively seeking your business is likely to bring passion and diligence when representing you and this tenacity shouldn’t be overlooked. 

5. Negotiate on commission

Real estate commission is the percentage of the selling price the real estate agent will receive in exchange for the sale of your property. It’s important not to shy away from discussing commissions upfront. While many people find it uncomfortable, understanding your financial commitment from the outset can prevent misunderstandings later. Some agents may even offer flexible commission structures, especially for repeat clients.

LocalAgentFinder allows you to research the commission charged by real estate agents upfront, which could be a part of your agent selection criteria. However, it’s important to remember that when it comes to choosing an agent, your decision should never be based purely on the costs, you need the best agent to represent you in the sale to get the best outcome.

6. Assess compatibility

At the end of the day, your agent is your partner in what’s often one of the most significant financial decisions of your life. Choosing the right agent is not just about credentials or listings, but about compatibility: Do you feel your concerns are genuinely heard? Does the agent share your priorities? Test their communication skills by setting up an initial chat. A proficient agent will have a keen understanding of market trends and property values in the area. A good way to assess this is by asking prospective agents about past scenarios where they had to adjust their strategies due to market shifts or client needs. Their negotiation history and feedback from past clients can also be enlightening. Remember, you’re seeking a partner who is both flexible in approach and aligned with your goals. Before committing, check online reviews, and ask for references or case studies to verify their performance in handling change.    

All the information you need in one place

The journey of selling your home is a major undertaking, however, understanding what to look for in a real estate agent can ensure a better experience. LocalAgentFinder helps simplify this often-overwhelming process by offering the data, insights, resources and expertise property owners need to make informed decisions. The right agent isn’t just a gateway to the market; they’re the trusted guide who’ll help you navigate the complex landscape of home selling.

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